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Meet the Latest Celebrant

Meet the Latest Celebrant

Today, I celebrate my ‘Folo-Folo, my Flo-baba, our first son and my first Gum-Gum baby, before Fiyin took over from him .( that’s what Folorunsho said a few days ago. He said that Fiyin has taken his place , that he doesn’t get to sleep beside me anymore ). Sincerely , a son’s love hits differently; From when he was much younger , Folorunsho would hug me at every given opportunity and if I dare leave him with anyone, the person ‘no go hear word till I return o’ because he’d just keep calling for his mommy . Even now that he’s grown, I always have to rehearse what to say whenever I need to travel . He’d burst out in tears saying “ mommy, I don’t want you to travel or can I come with you?”

My unassuming scientist and professor . From a distance , you’d think he doesn’t talk but when you come close to him and he engages you in a conversation , that’s when you’d know what you’re in for .Ever curious and inquisitive . Always telling the truth even when it hurts. Folorunsho doesn’t hesitate to tell me when I’ve erred , even though sometimes , I’d use a strong face and say “ you don’t talk to your mom or an adult like that” but deep down I know that he just told me the truth . I remember one time , when I was distracted by social media , he came to me and said “mommy, I noticed that you no longer read your Bible as you always do, rather , you spend more time on your phone”. That day, I knew he wasn’t the one talking but God speaking through my boy to me. I honestly don’t Joke with his words .

Oh, my Folo is soft hearted and doesn’t like to be shouted at. The best way to get across to him is to talk to him softly because shouting doesn’t do it o. And even when I shout at him or correct him for his wrongs , he’s ever quick to apologize , he’d hug me and say “mommy, I’m sorry” 

Like I always say , being a mother to this soldier of Christ and his siblings is a great privilege . This morning as I went to the altar in church to thank God for His life and also rededicate him back to the lord ,I couldn’t help but reminisce about how I almost lost him few weeks into his pregnancy. I had to be placed on bed rest for 3 days but the good Lord kept him . 

This post won’t be complete if I don’t share with you the faithfulness of God in providing for these birthday celebrations. Remember that Fiyin had his birthday , 2 days ago and earlier in the month or so , I had also shared how they had listed all the things they wanted for their birthdays . Well, I didn’t know how it was gonna happen but God showed up on Sunday; a sister walked up to me in church and said the Lord inspired their family to give me some amount of money ( don’t ask me how much o?). Just as I stepped into the church  office , I heard the Holy Spirit say to me “I provided that money because of my sons’ birthdays , make sure you give them the best celebrations). That’s why we had to get them a cake each as against our initial plan of getting just one cake for both of them. Fiyin also gets to visit one of the fun places that he asked for  . This experience has further proven to me that God is indeed interested in every facet of our lives and if only we would trust Him, He would always make a way for us . 

In what ways have you seen God come through for you and your family ? Please share in the comments and also remember to share the link with others, so we can build this DOAM together .

10 thoughts on “Meet the Latest Celebrant

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      Daddy’s carbon copy……Pastor Olumide junior. Happy birth, God will continue to watch over you and keep you from seen and unseen evil in Jesus name. You shall be a source of blessings to your family and generations at large. Go and do exploits in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

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      Please make sure the cake goes round to all us in DoM community oooo. As you no wan talk how much them give us for church, no problem but sha make sure we partake of the cake.

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      God indeed is ever faithful.
      Some weeks back we were totally out of money both at hand and in bank, it was Saturday already. I was doing the laundry and likewise thinking how do we get to church tomorrow, I just thought my son and I would attend a church in the neighbourhood and my husband he definitely wouldn’t want to miss going to his church for anything so perhaps he’d trekk and flag down cars as he often does when he’s out of cash, and God has sent differs favour to me.
      I decided to stay happy and wouldn’t let the devil dwell on my mind, making me picture our current state as been soo bad or so.

      Just while still doing laundry and singing, a neighbour passed by and greeted “madam good morning ma, I responded good morning; How’s my boy doing, he’s doing well say” and thw next thing was he said “kindly have this for my baby, use it to buy pampers for him”, then I had to step outside and he handed me #2000. In my head and mind I was just screaming wow wow wow God indeed is faithful, He indeed sees us and that’s how going to church the next day was settled.
      God indeed came through.

      Thanks ma for sharing DoM, I don’t even believe I could type this much. Thank you for making me remember and reminiscence on God’s Faithfulness.

      God bless Folorunsho
      He shall be all that God has created him to be. Strength and wisdom is multiplied to you to keep doing the good work ma. Amen

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      Happy Birthday Folorunsho🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉.

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      Congratulations and happy birthday to Folorunsho and Fiyinfolowa. We know their beginning, we shall never know their end IJN. The will continue to shine for the glory of God. Dad n Mum God bless you all. Good job.


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