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Parenting Tips and Hacks
Spice up your morning devotion.

Spice up your morning devotion.

Diary of a mom.

Friday,5th of July,2024.

One of the best things you can do for your children daily , is to create a spiritual atmosphere in your home :this can be achieved by charging the atmosphere of your home with spirit filled  Gospel songs. Here’s one thing I try to do most days in my home ; once I wake up( mom gets to wake up first most days nah), I do my personal devotion and while going about my daily chores , before waking the children up for school, I connect my phone to my Bluetooth and fill the atmosphere with worship.

Generally, research has shown that music is therapeutic. listening to music helps you relax and it reduces anxiety and depression. Listening to music affects the brain positively, promoting health and manages disease symptoms. permit me to say that music is a source of joy and happiness; when you feel down or sad, just listen to good music, especially spirit filled gospel songs. emphasis on ‘spirit filled’ because not all gospel songs are filled with the spirit of God.  Even personally ,listening to music while doing my chores has a way of energizing me and kind of makes my work go faster . It also helps to set the mood for the day . I mean, you can’t be listening to such songs and be moody or angry .it’s been said that a happy mom makes a happy home. Mothers determine the mood/tones in their homes and I’ve discovered that when I’m cumbered with so much to do, especially with the morning rush, I tend to be anxious and irritable but with good music playing in the background, I’m happier and more relaxed .Even the children wake up lively and cheerful. Sometimes, they’re awakened by the sound of the music .

It was from reading Twelfth Night| Shakespeare, as a literature student in high school that I got to learn this quote “If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.”The focus here is ‘music being the food of not just love but of the soul. As a music minister , I’ve also learnt that music has a spiritual undertone : whatever song we listen to is accompanied by spirits ; either godly spirits or demonic spirits . I once heard a man of God share a testimony of someone who was possessed by demons and after several sessions of warfare and deliverance prayers that proved abortive , they were inspired to just fill the room with spiritual songs ( spirit of God o)and boom, the power of God in the song set the captive free. 

I’m very intentional about the songs that my children are exposed to. I grew up listening to gospel music as well. My parents never played circular songs in the house , whatever circular songs I learnt back then (because as a teenager I did learn o. Days of having songbooks and scoring all the latest songs in high school ) I learnt on my own without the knowledge of my parents but I’m deeply grateful that my parents gave me a godly background. The songs I grew up listening to have somehow sharpened my music career even now . So, I’m replicating the same with my children . 

Save the date, you are cordially invited.

It gladdens my heart when I see my boys go to my phone to put a particular song on replay as they listen to the various gospel collections . They even get to score some songs better than me. Folorunsho is very good at this . He has ears for music . Sometimes , they’d request to change whatever song is being played to their favorite song. See ehn, it’s not every time that we are opportune to have lengthy devotion time with our children in the morning. It’s important that we pray and study the word of God daily as a family but sincerely , how many of us have that luxury of time as we rush to work every day ? If you can’t sit with them to teach them God’s word in the morning , then, play spirit filled music as you prepare them for school. After all, it’s being said that a gospel minister does what a gospel preacher does in songs . So, our children get to pick one or two messages from listening to gospel songs .For example, this morning , the boys got to listen to the Train soundtrack by Jaymikee and Lawrence Oyor. Through the lyrics , they are constantly reminded that heaven is our eternal destination, in fact that track is one of their favorites . Fiyin kept asking me what Ntokozo Mbambo was saying in her ad-lib in Jehovah is your name (you should listen to her songs guys , so heavenly ). Then later , while we listened to ‘Daddy you too much o’ by Judy Kay, Folorunsho asked me why most female artists love to use sounds like ‘hmmmm’. It doesn’t have to stop in the house  , if you’re the one doing school runs , you can keep playing gospel songs in the car till you drop them off at school. Some days , it’s even an audio Bible that we play either at home or in the car . Anyhow , somehow , something positive must enter their soul. I can still recall most of the songs I grew up listening to and that’s what I aim to achieve with my children too by the grace of God . Whatever children are exposed to today , isn’t just for now , it’s for the future.

Being a parent is sacrificial . Some things may be lawful for you but are they expedient for your children? There are some songs that you shouldn’t even listen to because of your children. Even if you’re not a believer in Jesus Christ , the lyrics of a song should determine if it’s good content for your family . You may be mature enough to handle it but your kids aren’t ready to consume such content yet. Same applies to movies .I schedule some movies to when the children are in school or in bed, not that they are bad foe me but I know they aren’t children’s content either. I stopped watching some TV channels solely because of my children because I don’t want them picking vulgar and abusive language. There are some movie channels that won’t stop using curse words. Why should my children pick up words that I as their mom don’t use in the house from movies? Please parents ,I hope you’re as mindful as I am with the content your children consume. It’s my business how you raise your child o, because you’re not just raising your child for you alone , just as I’m not also raising my child for me alone . our children mustn’t be threats or sources of concerns to other parents when they mingle child be a source of concern to other parents and vice versa . As long as that child will mingle with other children in the society , then , we’ve got to do better at our parenting jobs . May we not fail God in Jesus name .

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6 thoughts on “Spice up your morning devotion.

    • Author gravatar

      I can relate 💯 with this post. This is how the human spirit is trained and fine tuned with the word of God..exposing the mind to godly and edifying content. Thanks ma. God bless you

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for this mind blowing message am grateful. Talking about music am someone who loves music so much and already seeing the traces in my children that’s why I guide everything they listen to ,when it’s comes to music.
      In fact they’ve gotten to that stage that when they hear their mates maybe at home while playing in the compound singing circular music they tends to correct such child by saying it’s not the right song to sing. My prayer as always been God should help us to raise them in his ways and God bring to their ways friends like JONATHAN and NOT friends like JONADAB, in Jesus name(Amen).

    • Author gravatar

      Very true ma, I also do this anytime am cleaning and doing my chores and Sunday mornings, I noticed that it’s the songs my children listen to they raise in children’s church for praise and worship. Thanks for the write up ma.


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