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Parenting Tips and Hacks
Drenched in the rain.

Drenched in the rain.

Diary of a mom.

Thursday,4th July,2024.

Nothing prepared me for the experience I had in the rain yesterday . We had gone to the airport with hubby , who was traveling to the Redemption Camp for the monthly Holy ghost service of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. I was to bring the car back home with the children . His flight was scheduled for 6pm, so we got to the airport around 4:35 pm or so. The children were also in the car with me because we left for the airport from the church office which also doubles as the children’s school.

On my way back from the airport (Abuja), I decided to stop by a neighboring town called Igbesa to do a little shopping because things were considerably cheaper there than in the main town . I know this because this wasn’t my first time stopping over whenever I took hubby to the airport . Most times, I always do this alone without the children . But this day, even with the children in the car , I was bent on stopping over , not even with the increase in the price of tomatoes , I was sure I’d get it cheaper at Igbesa and I sure did . 

By the time I was driving into the town, it was getting cloudy but I convinced myself that I’d be back before it pours down .  A church was even setting up to have an open air crusade too, their gathering also boosted my confidence to leave the boys in the car because they were already sleeping . so I wind down their side windows a little to allow air in and off I went . I had gotten pepper and was in search of fish when the rain started to pour . I stepped into a mini mart to also get their beverages , by now , it had begun to rain heavily and the woman at the mart was trying to talk me into staying at the mart till the rain subsided : she kept saying “madam, are you sure you’re gonna step into this rain” I also kept responding in the affirmative that my children were in the car . Hmmm…. yesterday’s experience also made me realize that truly , nothing beats a mother’s love for her kids . As in , I wasn’t even thinking of how drenched I’d be, my whole thought was on my boys , who I’m sure would have been awakened by the sound of the rain and the rain might probably have also found its way into the car through the windows I let down for air .

the slippers that got cut.

Off I went in the rain, walking as fast as my feet and the muddy ground would let me. You needed to feel my heartbeat, I was just uttering words of prayers as I went . My fear was even that my boys shouldn’t wake up and step out of the car in search of mommy. I kept saying to myself “maybe I should have woken Folorunsho up to inform him of my movement at least knowing where I was would have calmed them down . As I walked on in the rain because  where I parked the car was quite some distance into the town but it was a busy area too( more like the parking space )my slippers cut and I had to walk barefoot to the car . This was even the least of my worries . 

On my way back, I noticed that the chairs set up for the crusade were gone , everyone had absconded due to the rain . Who organizes an outdoor event in the rain anyways ? Outdoor crusades are better held during the dry season.Eventually , I got to the car and my boys were curled  together in the front seat. They had run away from the rain filtering into the car from the window. I can’t even explain my joy and relief seeing that they were safe . Folorunsho told me Fiyin had started to cry when he woke up and didn’t see me. I apologized to them for leaving them in the car and also explained that they were the reason I was drenched in the rain. I can’t even imagine myself staying back for shelter with the thought of my boys being in that car alone . I’d rather be drenched in the rain than to seek shelter . 

Driving back home in the rain was another dilemma but God came through for us . I just kept following the head lamps of a red car in front of us . If there’s anything I avoid ; it’s driving in the rain and in the dark. But yesterday’s experience has taught me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me . Hallelujah.

As a parent , what dangerous situation  have you had to put yourself in because of your children? 

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