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This Generation Needs Kingdom Caretakers

This Generation Needs Kingdom Caretakers

One: Gratitude; Folorunsho and Fiyin are intensely and immensely grateful to you daddies, mummies, uncles and aunties for all the prayers, love , birthday wishes , voice note messages and songs and cash gifts. Yeah, my boys got some cash gifts o. They really felt the love from the DOM family. ‘E seun pupo, nkan ayo la o ma bara wa se o loruko Jesu. ( we shall only have reasons to celebrate with one another in Jesus name)

Two : reasons why you should attend your wards PTA meeting. Yesterday was the PTA meeting of our children’s school and except when I travel, I can’t recall ever missing any of our children’s PTA meetings . Well, you won’t blame me; I fell in love with PTA meetings even before I became a parent biologically because as a teenager , I had to represent my parents at my younger sister’s PTA meeting when she was in primary school. That’s what you get when there’s a whole 11 year gap between you and your baby sis. But I solely enjoyed how deliberations were made at such meetings even though I can’t remember making any contributions; mine was to be in attendance and give my parents feedback . 

I don’t know about your child’s school but PTA meetings in my children’s school occur only once in a term and I honestly don’t think that’s too much for parents to make out time for . Sincerely , I can’t fathom why parents wouldn’t be present at PTA meetings. I honestly can’t . Work? ‘Haba, you mean your boss can’t give you a few hours once in 3 months to attend this meeting? Any job that wouldn’t give you time to be at your child’s PTA meeting isn’t worth it. Yes, it’s that serious . Because at PTA meetings , that’s where deliberations and decisions are made concerning your child , that’s where you get to express yourself as a parent and also learn from other parents. What’s even more shocking to me is the fact that some parents would even stroll into the school during the meeting to pick up their children and leave. And it’s parents like this that’ll start making issues with the school when they begin to execute some of the decisions made during the meeting, claiming they weren’t told .

Like yesterday’s PTA was also an Election Day. Despite the reminders on the PTA platform, some parents still didn’t show up. Isn’t this how we’ve folded our hands in time past concerning our nation? See where our ‘I don’t care’ attitude has brought us. Anyways, can you guess who emerged as the new PTA chairman? Guess now ?

For you to know how important this meeting is to our children, after the meeting when I went to pick up Fiyin, the first thing he said to me was “Mom, why are you just coming, why didn’t you come for my PTA meeting ?” I had to assure him that I wasn’t just coming to the school and I was indeed at the meeting.

As Christian parents we ought to be at the forefront of relevance and impacts at our children’s school. We shouldn’t shy away from leadership roles. My Odogwu was elected as the PTA chairman and we didn’t even see it coming. And just as I was about to retire for the night, I picked up my Bible and open heavens to study and I saw that the memory verse for today was actually from Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice but when the wicked bears rule , the people mourn”. You see, it’s not humility to shy away from leadership roles , it’s stupidity. ( please pardon my choice of words ). We as Christians are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus , we should rule so that people can rejoice. Nigeria is where it is today because we left leadership to wicked and unrighteous men. Please promise me that the next time, a PTA meeting is scheduled at your child’s school, you’d attend. Thank you.

Three: reasons why you should celebrate your child’s birthday. Last year, I did a YouTube video on this and I also shared in my yesterday’s post of how God showed up for us this year again. That just made me realize that birthdays are dear to God . After all, even the Bible says to teach us to number our days…. So, if birthdays are important to God , who are we to consider it as a waste of time and resources? Yeah, because that’s how some of us see birthday celebrations ; a waste of money . But when it comes to buying expensive clothes , shoes , bags and jewellries for yourself , you don’t consider such a waste abi? There’s God o. Do you know that the reason why God blesses you is so you can give His heritage in your care the best. Like I always say to the Lord whenever the children have a need: “it’s whatever you bless me with that I’d use to care for them o” And He definitely knows that I love to give them the best.

Redeemer’s Private School, Wuse 2 PTA Executuves

Furthermore, celebrating our children’s birthdays boost their morale and self esteem. Like I can’t help but notice how happy my children are whenever they get to celebrate their birthdays. Birthday celebrations don’t have to be expensive or elaborate; the only time I’ve ever done an elaborate birthday party was when my Fofo clocked 1. Since then, it’s either they’re  doing it in church, school or just within the family. All I’m ‘sha’ saying is ‘pe’ you must do something . Growing up , we celebrated birthdays with Cabin biscuits ‘ke’. Despite the fact that we were just an average family , my parents always celebrated our birthdays and I knew what that did to my self esteem. That Cabin Biscuit must show ‘ni’.

Finally , do you know that celebrating our children’s birthday is also one way of showing gratitude to God for preserving their lives? Yeah! Every year is worth celebrating o. Nothing like a landmark or round figure; whether round or square figure, as long as they’re alive, we must celebrate them . I pray that God will supply all our needs in Jesus’ name. Everything needed to give them the best is available in Christ Jesus . So, who’s hosting the next birthday party ?

Four : Nudity culture . Hmmm… ‘if you see wetin my eyes see yesterday ehn’. We had taken the children to the mall to cap up their birthday celebrations and o boy, come and see young teenage girls almost going naked . Oh, my heart bled for this coming generation o .There’s one particular girl I saw and I was like , did this child’s parents see her when she left home ? Then hubby said maybe she didn’t dress from home . And honestly , I could relate because that was me before I met Christ . When I was in secondary school, I would leave home well dressed because my parents were pastors so I knew the rules but my heart was far from God . Then I’d go change at a friend’s house . Thank God for Jesus . And that’s why my heart bled for those children . There’s a vacuum in their hearts that no amount of nudity can fill.

But with the number of teenagers and young adults that I saw almost naked yesterday , I’m convinced that it can’t be all of them that didn’t dress from home ‘ke’. And another discovery I made was that it is we so-called Christians that permit our children to dress this way. I live in Abuja, Northern part of Nigeria and I’m yet to find any northern teenage girl dress indecently . I saw several of them too at the mall, well covered yet stunningly gorgeous and beautiful . 

Whenever I see anyone dressing indecently , it’s a signal that there’s a vacuum in that life that needs to be filled . How do I know this ? Because I’ve been there myself . The greatest  thing that can happen to our children is for them to encounter Christ early. We also mustn’t neglect our roles as parents . It’s our duty to censor whatever our children put on, especially during their formative years and while still under our roof .We shall not be guilty over our children in Jesus name . Like my mom would say after we were grown “ I’ve done my part in raising you well, whatever you choose to do with your life now and its consequences is now left to you”. Please let us do our parts ooo

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